Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year's Resolution

It is no secret to those in the know that I am terrible with New Year's resolutions. The mere act of making a resolution dooms it to failure. So, this year I am creating some goals. Goal Number One is to simply have more fun. I get so caught up in all I have to do, need to do, and...the worst...should do, that I forget to have fun with life.

Once again, we can look to our dogs for guidance. In the wild, wolves play with each throughout their lives. Our domestic dogs love to play as well. Not only with each other, but with us. Even dogs that seem to not be playful have this desire ingrained into their being. It is up to you to bring it out and nurture it.

Favorite games in our house include vigorous games of tug (where the dogs always win), fetch with a tennis ball, hide and seek, and chase. I always try to stop playing the game while Roman or Tikka is still high in drive; before they get bored. Games with your dog, as I'm learning from Kevin Behan's Natural Dog Training, are one way to bond your dog to you and make you more interesting than anything else. By fulfilling your dog's need to make prey (and playing games is one way to satisfy his prey drive), behavior problems begin to dissipate. In NDT, dog's develop problems when their prey drive is denied and they seek outlets for this energy.

So, go out and just have fun. We owe it, not only to our dogs, but to ourselves, to have fun every day. Let your dog show you how...

1 comment:

Sang Koh said...

Awesome vid. I love how Roman won't leave Tikka alone. It's so fun to see a big dog like Roman, trying to get a little dog like Tikka to play.

Hope your resolutions stick. I've got some of my own I need to work on:)