Monday, January 1, 2007

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou

(Hau'oli Makahiki Hou is Hawaiian for Happy New Year!)

Wishing you all prolific inspiration and joyful abundance in 2007!

I usually have a laundry list of resolutions doomed to failure by their very nature. So, this year I decided to make only one New Year's Resolution: to create ART every day...a sketch, a drawing, a small painting, flower arrangement, garden...I resolve to do some sort of art every day, even if it's shit. For me, this resolution is more difficult then "exercising more, eating better, make more money, blah, blah" because I've been blocked, artistically, for some time now. Life's responsibilities sap all my creative energy and then another year goes by with nothing to show for it. The burning to create is still inside, it just can't get out. Art is not a hobby for me, it IS me...So, if I'm not doing it, who am I?

This resolution is difficult because it means I need to do more of the things that support my creative self: be in nature, lots of time to meander about (looks like procrastination, but far from it), quiet meditation & yoga, a nod to my spirit now and then...that sort of stuff...but I'm up to the challenge, so check back as I plan to share my creations with you here.

In the meantime, images from a creative past:

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