Saturday, October 6, 2007

Miss You Lotte, Kiwi & Pete

1989 - 10/08/04
1986 - 5/00
11/87 - 8/00

I still have dreams about my dead dogs. Last night, Pete and Lotte came to me in a dream. Lotte's right front paw was bandaged and I had to rescue them both from some man who was keeping them in his apartment in Monterey. I did rescue them and then woke up, confused.
It will be three years since Lotte died at 15 years. It's been seven for Pete and Kiwi.
People think, "oh, it's just a dog. Get another one." Well, I did get another one...and then a second. And, I love these dogs to pieces but they are not replacements for the ones I lost. If you've never truly loved and bonded with an animal, I guess you wouldn't understand.
I don't know what happens to us when we die. I have a hard time accepting there is nothing, but at the same time, I have diffiuculty with the idea of heaven as this exclusive country club of saints and hell as a fire pit of evildoers. Whatever happens, I just want to go to where the animals are.

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