Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dogs vs. Cats

Many people are either dog people or cat people and view the other side with contempt and bewilderment. I like to think of myself as simply an animal person who has the strongest bond with dogs. The list is long, but in summary, dogs simply want to be with us no matter what. They have a strong allegiance to family and we humans eat that up. For me, my dogs provide a window into nature, heighten my dulled senses and enhance my communication skills (with canines and humans). They also sooth my body and soul.

Then there are the cats, the antithesis of dogs. My cats give me a different view into nature's soul. The very essence of being a cat makes sharing a home with one (or three) a joy. Their sleek stealthiness and honed predatory skills, the honor I feel when they deem me worthy of their affection, their independent yet dependent nature...My cats have very distinct personalities and all are very friendly and outgoing. No hiding from people here. Plus, they are so clean and easy to care for. I love taking the dogs on walks and I love not having to take the cats.

Living in a multi species household has given me a unique perspective on these two, supposedly, arch enemies. It is clear the cats rule the house, but it is also clear the dogs don't really care as long as they have me.

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