Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Purrfect Christmas

The kitten is now named...Ramathorn...a.k.a. Rammy...Strange, but it suits him. Rammy is settling in nicely. He and the older cats are now best buds. Tikka is tolerating him as long as he doesn't invade her space on the couch or bed. But, poor Roman! Roman, who was so gentle in greeting the new kitten. Roman, who gave up his food when Rammy rammed his face into his food dish. Roman, who gives the kitten a wide birth. Rammy is insistent on challenging Roman with hisses, swats and false charges. Roman just turns his head. A 70 pound German shepherd who was so dog reactive, he would pull me off my feet while lunging. While Tikka 'attacked' the kitten when he jumped on her face, all Roman does is turn away quietly. I am hopeful Rammy and Roman will become good friends, especially since Roman is displaying such patience. Who would have thought; this big, tough shepherd who illicits awe wherever he goes, is such a mushy soul when faced with a four pound kitten? Just one more reason why I love this dog!

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