Thursday, August 23, 2007

Back to School

Just found out a few days ago that my new classroom will be where the teacher's lounge is (well, was). Spent two days simply moving furniture and decades of stuff. Worked 12 hours yesterday and 10 hours today and I don't even know what the kids will be doing come Monday. Oy. Such is life; feast or famine. Somehow, in the midst of this clutter clear nightmare I got myself on the ballot running for Union rep, too.
At least a colleague kindly laminated my lunch cards (one thing about teachers, they love to laminate everything!). The laminator is still in my room, so it's been one big party. While I'm frantically scrambling to decorate my walls, I enviously watch as my fellow teachers laminate name tags, posters, birthday graphs, welcome signs, little, cut out paper apples...all laminated to glossy perfection...sigh. One day, I, too, shall laminate.

Setting up room 4:

It's a mess, still and Roman really wasn't much help...another couple of 10 hour days and I should be ready to go Monday.

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