With the arrival of Spring comes clear days and crisp evenings. I take the dogs out for the evening constitutional at 10:00 p.m. The stars were very bright last night and I could make out several constellations. Usually I don't see the stars; either due to the city lights, fog or my own frantic rush through life. But. Last night I did. It was a moment where I just felt...well, I didn't feel anything except, maybe, peace. Tranquility. It was just me. Walking with my dog. Something I've done a thousand or more times but don't stop to notice. I recalled a meditation I used to do during my dark nights of the soul. I imagined I could float. I slowly float up and up...over my house, over the city, the bay, the bridge...up and up...over the state, the country, the earth. Any problems are left down there and I just absorb the beauty of our world.
I picked up the leash and Roman playfully started biting it, tugging it...tugging me back to reality. I grab his ear, which he loves, so he gives me a big smile. "Let's go home, boy."