Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Do Like Those Roller Coasters...

I don't know what it is about roller coasters...The slow build up as you reach the summit only to go plummeting down the other side? The wicked fast loop-de-loops that leave your stomach in the dust? The sheer terror as you fly off your seat speeding around a turn? The relief that washes over you as the ride ends (only to get in line again)?

Well, I guess life would simply be too boring if things were always the same. On that note, one cannot say my life is boring. It's been feeling quite like a roller coaster ride. This week, Tikka was diagnosed with a spindle cell tumor (and had to have surgery) and the following day I got a layoff notice! LOL! Tikka is recovering well, and I should have biopsy results in a week to determine if she needs radiation. The good news is that this cancer is usually localized. Thanks to Arnold, who really should stick to his barbells instead of balancing state budgets, millions of dollars are being cut from California's education. Thus, layoffs are in order. They are based on seniority and I am low man...I'm going to fight it and, at least the teacher's union has my back.

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