Friday, March 21, 2008

Ahhh, the Vernal Equinox...

Spring arrives amidst a turbulent cosmos...but, damn, it's here and I have ten days off.

Cosmic Calendar (applies to everyone) for March 21:

There are four main Sun-Pluto encounters in every 12-month time-period. The two strongest encounters are probably the conjunction and opposition. However, the two square patterns may also coincide with a lot of turbulence, upheavals, and internal distress. (Check. Turbulence, upheavals, and internal disress all in order!) One of these occurs at 1:37AM PDT when the Sun in Aries faces off against Pluto in Capricorn. Even though this may happen very early in the day for some earth-dwellers, it still has ramifications later on - especially because the Full Moon every month often brings many issues to a head. (Check. Lots of issues brought to a it covered, broham). The Full Moon - energizing 2 degrees of Aries and Libra - happens at 11:41AM PDT. By the way, this is just about three hours after the Moon shifts allegiance from Virgo to Libra and ends its void cycle (8:46AM PDT). Therefore, with independent-minded Aries Sun on the opposite side of the Earth from relationship-oriented Libra Moon, you can have either a battle royal in primary partnerships or a surge in enlightening and sensitive inter-personal behavior. (Got the enlightening inter personal stuff going on. Erik told me today, "Wow, teachers have a lot of work." This was after spending the day in my class. Mind over matter is crucial around the time of a Full Moon. (Hah! What mind?) Individual and group meditations are recommended.(I meditated earlier...when I passed out from exhaustion...) Send out your healing thoughts and prayers to humanity in need of upliftment. (Waiting for the uplifting healing thoughts...the Cabernet is helping...)

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