Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Best Dog Trainer

(Tikka (left) shows foster dog Meli the ropes at Ft. Funston)

Our foster pup, Meli, is settling in so it was time to introduce her to the joy that is Ft. Funston. Given that she is still a bit fearful outside (expressed by barking at anything or anyone that scares her) and still growls/snaps at Roman if he gets too close, I had not idea how she would do.

Well, she exceeded my expectations. I kept her on leash, but she kept play bowing to Roman as he ran circles around us. Good sign! She was so happy to be out there. She tentatively met some big dogs, too. While she's still fearful of new people (she barked at a few that wanted to pet her. Not good PR, Meli!), I'm encouraged by how she trotted along and took things in stride.

Roman and Tikka really deserve the credit. They have been her "trainers" and are doing a much better job than I. Despite her aggression towards him, Roman will simply stand there and turn his head, while Meli snaps and barks at him, teeth and all. By not engaging her, and giving her a calming signal (turning of the head), she stops her display and then they go about their business. When Meli gets too rambunctious with Tikka, Tikka simply shows her teeth and Meli backs off. When Roman and Tikka are resting and calm in the house, Meli is resting and calm.

So, I decided to try Scott's (Roman's walker) trick and tied Meli to Tikka. Meli is very attached to me now, and I don't want her using me as her security blanket. This technique worked great! Tikka has nice energy and Meli picked right up on it. They walked side by side and still looked to me for guidance.

Tomorrow, our pack increases by one. Sid, a whirling dervish of a beagle, will be staying with us for a week of boot camp while my cousin is in Hawaii. Yes, I will have four dogs in a two bedroom flat with no yard. Just like old times.

Nature's Miracle
is standing by...Stay tuned.

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