Thursday, July 10, 2008

Motherhood Revisited

I've been babysitting my nephews (6 & almost 8 years) a lot these past few weeks. It's been fun but I'm exhausted after only 4 hours. My bath giving skills are totally MIA but I had to laugh when Cyrus imitated Santa Claus. How many times did Erik do this? How many kids in general do this? LOL How did I ever do this? I don't know what's more tiring, the physical or mental aspect. I forgot how hard it is to get anything done with a little person (let alone two little people) around...and...all the questions! "Why is Tikka sitting there?" (she's waiting for her dinner) "Why?" (because she is hungry) "Why is she hungry?" and on it goes...

There have been a few personality clashes between Erik and my older nephew, Darius. Darius loves and idolizes Erik to the point of smothering him. After they left the other day, Erik said to me, "Mom, was I annoying as a little kid?" LOL

Ahhh...but this, too, shall pass and soon they will be teenagers.

Today Erik and I are watching Cyrus, the six year old, all day. One little boy is definitely much easier. An added bonus is that Cyrus loves all the animals, especially the fish, and is excited to go to the fish store with me. We are also going to go to the Aquariumof the Bay. I can't wait to take the kids (and I'm going to force Erik, dammit he will develop an appreciation for our natural world!) to the new Academy of Sciences in September.

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