Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Honeymoon is Over

Today I had:

12 hours working
5 kids melting down
2 nosebleeds
2 temper tantrums
1 cut finger
1 pencil puncture
1 head injury
1 asthma attack
1 teacher melting down (no, not me)
1 hate note ("I hate you, you hate me, let's go get a gun and kill Barney...")

and an escaped corn snake in my truck (I had Stella in a tupperware on the passenger seat. I look over at one point and she was gone!).

Where IS that xanax, anyway? Anyone? Help?


wampoline said...

Yikes!!!!! All that in one day? Haldol, take me away!

Angela said...

Well, to be truthful, the asthma attack and one of the nosebleeds happened the afternoon before :)

Then there was the kid (one of the tantrum-ers) who told me under his breath "You're nuts!" LOL "What did you say?" I said in mean teacher voice. "Nuts! I said Nuts!"

He actually has me figured out, but I can't let him know that. These 7 year olds are smart.