Friday, September 21, 2007

How to Drive a Guy Crazy with Desire

Simple. Ignore him.

At least, that is what Tikka does on a daily basis and Roman is out of his mind with desire for her...whining, licking, sniffing of the butt, etc. Tikka, she pretends he is simply not there. If she is on the couch with me, he will approach slowly...Tikka turns her head away with disdain...
(maybe it's the bandana?)
Roman stops, whines, then turns in a circle once and lies down with a disappointed sigh. Some might say this is the perfect relationship.

As far as this working on human males, the jury is still out. I'm too old and attached to actually try it out. I'm pretty sure if I ignored a guy now, he would not even notice since he is going crazy with desire over the 22 year old down at the end of the bar there - the one who is ignoring him ;)

Even if I was single, I'd probably just stick with dogs at this point, anyway-humans are so much work! The more I ignore Roman and Tikka, the more they absolutely love me and do whatever I ask. It's all about groveling to the alpha bitch.

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