How many of us have gotten a dog, filled with romantic notions of long walks in the woods, Rover gracefully bounding ahead but always coming when called? His loyalty and enduring friendship is evident in his loving gaze as he heels by your side, greeting everything life has to offer with equanimity.
How many of us have had that romantic notion thrown back into our face when our dog wees on the new carpet, chews our coffee table, refuses to come when called, has separation anxiety, aggression issues, is afraid of inanimate objects, is afraid of animate objects, is hyperactive...well...the list goes on.
Living with a dog should be a joy...and, it is...but that joy is not a given. There is some groundwork involved on the road of Life With Dogs. After all, they are a living being with their own genetic makeup and temperament. Anytime we merge our life with another living being, adjustments have to be made.
Training your dog should be a simple task, no? You show him what to do, reward him, and voila, he's trained. Sadly, not so simple. Otherwise, I do not believe thousands of dogs would be given up each year to shelters and rescue groups. In fact, many people never train their dogs and expect them to just behave. When they act, well...like dogs...the frustrated owner can't or won't deal with the issue. "I thought if I loved him enough," has been said quite often.
Parents know that love is not enough to raise a child; partners know that love is not enough to keep a relationship strong. So, it's really no surprise that love is actually the last thing a dog...especially a rescue dog...needs. In fact, loving a dog too much is usually what leads to behavior problems. What?!
So, what does a dog need?
There are so many theories and methods regarding dog training and behavior out there, it will make one's head spin.
"You should only train using positive only techniques! They are based on science!"
"You must be the alpha and dominate your dog-be his pack leader, or he will dominate you!"
"There is no such thing as an alpha wolf/dog/pack leader."
"Correct your dog each time he does not obey."
"Never correct your dog. If he does something wrong, ignore it."
"Clicker train your dog, it's how they train whales and dolphins!"
"Crate train your dog; he'll feel safe since he is a den animal."
"Crate training is cruel!"
"If you become more prey like, your dog will do anything for you, since he only has a prey drive."
...and on it goes.
It's amazing to me that any new dog owner is able to navigate this mine field of information. No wonder so many give up, and either live with the bad behavior or get rid of the dog.
So...back to what a dog needs.
Besides the obvious - good food, daily, structured exercise, medical care - a dog needs to trust his guardian and have consistency in his life. You get this trust and consistency through training and structure. I don't train my dogs because I want little robots who will obey my every command. I train them in order to communicate with them. When I am able to communicate with them, I am better able to provide for their needs and they have more freedom (for example, since Roman has a solid recall, he is able to run off leash with other dogs-getting much needed exercise and socialization). When a dog's needs are fulfilled, he rarely gets into trouble. The structure is obtained with a daily routine (new dogs are always introduced to a crate and not allowed on furniture or have free run of the house for several months-Tikka was an exception to this rule as illustrated in the photos :).
Another thing many dogs need is to be loved less. This means less affection (again, Tikka is an exception to this rule, but it applies to every other dog). I know! It's so hard! But, by giving your dog free love all the time (without the consistency, structure, etc.), you are actually hurting, not helping your relationship. Dogs actually do better in an environment where they are not simply given free run and affection all the time. I've spent a lot of time ignoring my dogs on purpose. Dogs also appreciate silence. We humans simply talk too much. Try simply being with your dog and not speaking.
Of course, all of this is really more important at the beginning of the relationship. Once the dog is reliably trained and has a respectful, balanced relationship with his people and environment (he looks to you for everything, instead of taking things into his own paws), things can loosen up a bit. Personally, I do not mind my dogs on the furniture and I like having them sleep in my bed - but, the rule is that they have to be invited and they have to get off when I tell them.
Angela, what a great post!
I'm guilty as charged - I let Summer free reign of my leetle apartment, and yes she has her own bed, but she always sleeps with me. I let her come and go as she pleases, sometimes she sleeps on the floor or on her bed. I call it the perks of being a dog-ma! Having your very own toe-warmer! Nothing comforts me more than reaching over and petting her absent-mindedly while I'm watching late night telly in bed.
Hey, I totally agree and get much comfort from lying with dogs ;)
And, with all the work you've done with Summer, I think you guys have a balanced relationship. We've all seem what happens when that is not the case, and the dog rules the house!
My Baron is spoiled rotten but its works for us
Great post. I'm spoiled rotten too! :)
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