Sunday, October 5, 2008

Am I Making a Difference?

It was a challenging week (euphemism for bad, LOL)..."maybe-I-need-to-seek-a-new-profession bad...

I love, love, love my students. But the array of academic need coupled with some severe behavior issues is pushing me towards the edge. Add to that my extra responsibility as the after school lead teacher and my induction program requirements it's no wonder I hit a wall yesterday. I simply cannot do it all. I don't think I've seen my own child in a week and my poor dogs are neglected.

I knew years ago that I would not be successful in a career unless I was making a difference in the lives of others (which is why I was always so bored and soul dead in office jobs)...but the question I am asking myself this weekend: Am I making a difference?

In the midst of this juggling act, I got an unexpected email from a blog reader:


Hi Dog-ma,

I just wanted to thank you for providing a little ray of hope during a very stressful time with my much loved dog. I stumbled across your blog while looking for dog trainers who specialize in fear aggression (towards other dogs). I really appreciated reading about your experiences with John Van Olden and based mostly on Roman and Tikka's improvements, I have an upcoming appointment with John. I've already done a huge amount of work to set boundaries and to be the alpha plus I've already tried a lot of training with our big dog, and he's only gotten worse so I was pretty demoralized until I read your post. I am thrilled that John seems so competent and has been around a lot of big powerful dogs with issues. So thanks for sending your experiences and trainer recommendations out into the blog ethers! Also, I really share your frustrations with other dog owners who haven't educated themselves enough to recognize their dog's rude (and therefore antagonizing) behaviors. Ninety-nine percent of our troubles arise out of other dogs approaching us head-on even as I'm calling to the owners to reign their "friendly" pooch in...

Thanks again - it was a boost not to feel so isolated during these stressful times with my big lug.

I wish you, Tikka, and Roman many lovely autumn walks!"

Here I thought I had about 5 readers reading my posts of miscellany and etcetera. I know this reader will be able to help her dog with John's help, so maybe I am making a small difference...though not always in ways I can predict.

Looking at these cute dogs and getting that email certainly lifted my spirits during a difficult time. I look forward to hearing about their training progress!


wampoline said...

YES, absolutely - you ARE making a difference! And that comment from a reader is a perfect example. Your love for dogs and animals is bigger than you, and radiates from your writings about them. Hey, you got commitment-phobic me to get a dog, remember?

You might be surprised to hear that I'm actually using many of the things I've learned from you over the years (and from your blog) to train Lottie (and there you thought i wasn't paying attention!). I will DEFINItely keep your post about other dogs at hand, for future walks with Lottie. I can already see the difference between dog owners who have a clue, to those who, frankly, don't!

Thanks for being such a generous resource. You should be getting paid for this! Where do I send the check? ;-)

Angela said...

LOL...thanks for the encouragement. I realize I've made a difference with a small number of rescue's how I make my living that concerns and dismays me, at times...