Friday, February 1, 2008


How does one achieve this:

When you've had a week feeling like this?

For quite a while, I've been trying to achieve balance in my life. Seemingly simple, but, in actuality, quite elusive. Sort of a 'now you have it, now you don't' sort of feeling. At times, I feel I am truly in the 'flow' (Caroline?) of my life. I liken this to what it must feel to be a talented juggler full of equanimity. Stuff happens but I take it all in stride. Give me more, I can take it! I also make stuff happen. Movement. Creation. Loss. Recovery. Movement. Forward. Yes, some failures; but out of the failures, I reap some successes, too.

Then, I drop the ball...and another...and another and I can't remember what it was like when everything somehow worked...I'm too busy scrambling after balls and using profanity.

But, then something does work and I somehow get all the balls in the air again.

If I think about it, it's quite exhausting. Sometimes, I think the gods are truly bored and just fooking with us. So, best not to think about it too much. It always gets me into trouble, anyway!

This week, I blame my lack of balance on Mercury going retrograde in Aquarius. When Mercury starts moving backwards in the sky, he always messes with communications and electronics and simply causes a generalized chaos all around. Car breaks down? Mercury retrograde. Computer crashes? Mercury retrograde. Fight with a loved one? Yup, blame in on Mercury. Buy something new during a retrograde? It's sure to cause you much grief at a later date.

Do I really believe this? You bet your astrological musings I do!

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